Shazak Parsha Post – Parshas Terumah

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Master of the Universe Commissions Mobile Home

After nearly 2,500 years of living everywhere and nowhere all at once, HaShem has expressed his intentions to settle into a portable dwelling, in which He will accompany His chosen people.

“It means so much to us to know that our Commander-in-Chief will be among us,” said Izzy Israelite, a former slave, who lives in the camp of Zevulun. “We are so very excited to have Him with us and cannot wait to do our part to help build His dream home.”

HaShem has issued very specific instructions for His new home, which will include three parts, an outer courtyard, an enclosure with a lamp and other accessories, and an inner chamber where His Divine Presence will dwell.

Golden Box to Form Communication Portal

Moshe Rabbeinu, Chief Divine Communicator of HaShem, has received detailed specifications for a state-of-the-art communications center, a.k.a. the Aron, through which HaShem will speak to him. “The Aron HaKodesh shall be 2 ½ Amos long, 1 ½ Amos wide, and 1 ½ Amos tall,” HaShem commanded. “They shall make it out of acacia wood, covered with gold, with two angelic golden figures on top. This mobile unit will be transported with two golden poles, one on each side.” As with all parts of His soon-to-be-built home, the Aron HaKodesh, will be built with materials donated by the people of Israel. The exact measurement of an Amah, said to be the size of a man’s arm, caused much confusion in the camp. “It’s exactly 18 inches,” declared one with certainty. “No way! It’s exactly and precisely 24 inches… give or take an inch or two,” replied another. “Rabbosai, what’s an inch?” questioned a third.

Fire Menorah a Flaming Success

“I had a hard time understanding how to form this sacred Menorah,” admitted Moshe. “I was told to form 7 highly-decorated branches out of one single lump of gold. And then there are the 9 flowers, 11 buttons, and 22 decorative cups. I can’t quite envision the end-product.”
To help His student, HaShem took the unusual step of showing Moshe a spectacular fully formed Menorah of fire. “Moshe,” HaShem warned during the Menorah demonstration, “your Menorah must be made of gold, not fire!”


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