Shazak’s Solution to Megillah-Snoozing and Schmoozing

Do you know anyone who gets bored during Megillah reading? Perhaps fidgety kids or even adults who have a tough time with the Hebrew? Don’t you wish you could make this Purim Mitzvah exciting and engaging for them?

To solve this problem for synagogues and Chabad centers all over the world, and to increase all-around Purim joy, Shazak Multimedia has produced a unique silent visual presentation – SHAZAK MEGILLAH COMPANION – to be shown during the Megillah reading.

Shazak’s Megillah Companion is packed with engaging moving images from their acclaimed Queen of Persia video, spiced with their signature humorous style. The images are captioned with quotes from Pesukim, referenced to the relevant chapter and verse to encourage people to look them up in their Megillah booklets.

To best accommodate as many reading speeds as possible, the 25 minute presentation is divided by Chapter Markers corresponding to the 10 chapters of the Megillah.. This makes it easy to navigate and pause or jump forward to the related chapter.

This presentation is included in the premium subscription to Shazak, available at

From now until Purim, Shazak Multimedia is offering a 20% discount on all new subscriptions (use coupon code 20SHAZAK at checkout).

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