Six Samples Of Polio In NYC Wastewater Not Linked To Rockland County Case
The latest wastewater sampling conducted by NYSDOH – New York State Health Department identified 6 positive samples of polio in New York City in June and July which are not genetically linked to the case in Rockland County, signaling this is a larger regional issue not singular to our County.
The single case in our County was transmitted from an individual who received the oral polio vaccine (OPV), which hasn’t been administered in the U.S. since 2000, indicating the virus originated in a location outside of the country where OPV is still administered.
NYSDOH confirms Rockland County’s polio case is linked to strains in wastewater samples found in Israel and the UK. Wastewater samples in the UK have tested positive for polio as far back as February.
As the investigation into the NYC, Orange & Rockland samples continues, we remind families to get vaccinated.
Most adults have likely already been during childhood; the full Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine (IPV) provides more than 99% protection.
The latest findings can be found in the link below: