Stop Work Order Placed On Spring Valley Building As Violations Found During Renovations
The Rockland County Office of Buildings and Codes (OBC) is actively investigating multiple New York State Building and Fire Code violations at 101 Kennedy Drive in Spring Valley, a property owned by Country Village Towers Corp. The property owner is facing over $16,000 in violations resulting from extensive renovations done to five floors without the required permits.
During a training drill, the Spring Valley Fire Department discovered multiple hose connections in the building’s fire protection system had been modified and reduced in size, rendering them incompatible with standard fire hoses. The department then notified OBC Fire Inspector Kim Weppler about the alteration which was investigated and confirmed by OBC to pose a significant safety risk, as it prevents hoses being connecting to the building’s system in the event of a fire.
As part of its response, OBC has issued a stop-work order to halt any ongoing renovations until a thorough investigation can confirm that all work adheres to current building and fire safety codes, including the use of fire-rated materials and systems. The property owner is also required to promptly correct the fire hose connection issue to restore proper fire response capability.
“Unpermitted renovations and code violations not only undermine the safety of residents but also put first responders at risk. We will take every necessary action to enforce compliance and protect our community,” explained Ed Markunas, Director of the Rockland County Office of Buildings and Codes. “In addition to the stop-work order, this property is now under a mandatory Firewatch, and violations are being issued.”
“The dangerous, unauthorized alteration of fire hose connections in this apartment complex underscores exactly why these regulations exist. When work is done without oversight, serious and potentially life-threatening mistakes can occur. Had these renovations been properly permitted and inspected, this type of egregious error would have been avoided entirely,” said County Executive Ed Day. “While we understand that renovations aim to improve living conditions for tenants, we remind all property owners that permits are not just bureaucratic steps—they are critical to ensuring safety.”
The Office requests that the public submit complaints regarding Building and Code violations within the Village of Spring Valley to 845-364-3700 or by email to BuildingsAndCodes@co.rockland.ny.us.
Rockland Codes Investigations requests all Sanitary Code Violations be reported to 845-364-2585.