Surfside Collapse Update: Death Count Now at Five, 156 Still Unaccounted For
by Monsey.info
As rescue workers continue to work tirelessly at the site of the tragic building collapse in Surfside, FL, progress is slow, as the death toll rises to five with 156 still unaccounted for.
The work to gain access to the “pancaked” is an astronomical task, with the removal of a single piece of rubble fraught with multiple dangers. To do the most good with the least risk, the rescuers are sifting piece by piece through the rubble from the top, while digging through the still intact basement from the bottom.
A fire deep inside the rubble has been smoldering since Friday, hindering the rescuers who are unable to even locate the source, let alone begin to try to put it out.
Meanwhile, the Jewish community spent a heartbroken shabbos in prayer, with many families hanging on with the hope of some good news.
The Chabad community of Surfside has also become the epicenter of relief work, with tons of food, water and clothing donated to those in need.
The Miami Tragedy Relief Fund, spearheaded by Chabad, has raised over $900,000, with much more still needed. Please donate generously Here.
Please see the full list of names below for Tehillim:
This list will be updated as information becomes available.
Chaim ben Sara
Malka bas Sara Rochel
Yisroel Tzvi Yosef ben Toiba
Tzvi Doniel ben Yehudis
Ita bas Miriam
Brad Cohen and his brother
Moshe ben Toba
Moshe ben Shoshana,
Arieh Leib nen Ita,
Ilan ben Kalman,
Leib ben Shoshana,
Sarah bas Ida,
Nancy bas Sofia
Franky ben Nancy
Jay ben Nancy
Deborah bas Chaya
Yehuda Arye ben Feiga Rivka
Nicole bas Andrea
Esther bas Linda
Lein ben Ilana
Leibl ben Feigue Rivka
Ruth bas Sarah
Devorah bas Clara
Myriam and Arnie Notkin
Miriam bas Sara
Yaakov Reuvein Hacohen ben Devorah
Mikael ben Hans
Gabriela bas Sara
Linda bas Clara
Ilan ben Ronit
Ilan Naybryf and his mother Karen
Chaya Gila bas Yehudis
Lois Marcus
Estelle Hedaya