Tenuous Ceasefire Holds in Eretz Yisroel, Peace Returns
by Monsey.info
After eleven days under constant barrage by rockets fired from Gaza, a ceasefire brokered by the US and Israel’s neighboring nations took effect at 0200 Israel time. So far, the peace has held.
For the Millions of Israeli’s who were under fire for more than a week, it was a big sigh of relief as the IDF Home Front Command lifted most of the restrictions that were issued during the rocket fire from Gaza. For the Gazans who have had to face the devastating Israeli counter-attacks, it is also happily received.
For Hamas, though, the return to quiet is anything but happy.
According to the IDF, the Israeli military destroyed over 100 km of Hamas terror tunnels and assassinated hundreds of its terrorists. About 570 strikes impacted the Gaza terrorist group’s rocket abilities, with about 70 strikes on multi-barrel rocket launcher. The IDF also severely damaged Hamas’s ability to develop and produce weapons.
All this while Hamas’s attempts to puncture the Iron Dome and strike Israeli civilians was mostly unsuccessful.
With an approximate 90% success rate, the Iron Dome intercepted nearly all the rockets targeted at civilian areas, severely limiting the effect of the over 4500 rockets fired.
A last-minute attempt to score a “victory” for Hamas was also dashed, when 50 Israeli warplanes took to the air just hours before the ceasefire took effect, sending a dire warning to Hamas should they attempt a last-minute attack.
In an address to the nation Friday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the damage done to Hamas was so great during the operation that not even Hamas has yet come to understand the full scope of the damage.