Testing Asymptomatic School Children, What Could Go Wrong?

by Monsey.info

In New York State, each and every school is very much aware of the threat or reality of being shut down due to COVID-19. Whether in compliance with the state or in the hopes of diluting their pool of positive cases, many schools have demanded that all the children, even those showing no symptoms, be tested for COVID-19.

In theory, it sounds great. What could be wrong with being precautious and testing children entering school for COVID-19? Let us catch the positives and quarantine them so that the rest can continue learning.

Yet there is a fundamental flaw in the logic, according to medical professionals.

In a phone conversation with a primary care provider in Rockland County, Monsey.info learned that these testing drives are considered “completely mad,” within the medical community, and are only causing suffering to the innocent.

“By nature, these viral tests are designed only to rule IN a “new” infection,” one provider told Monsey.info, “not clear you out of one once you have completed an infection.”

This means that a child who has already gotten over a COVID-19 infection and has antibodies can test positive for months after, despite not being a carrier or contagious.

“Testing asymptomatic (without symptoms) children and finding a positive is meaningless. It is not uncommon for “dead cells” of any virus to linger in the nostrils for weeks and even months. So a positive test does not at all indicate contagion at all.”

Monsey.info attempted to do some research on the topic of testing asymptomatic children, only to find that the most recognized medical authorities on pediatric care including The American Academy of Pediatrics or the Infectious Disease Society of America have not supported the viral swabbing of asymptomatic children.

The only authority that advises such testing appears to be the CDC, who wrote a blanket clarification to it’s testing overview made on September 18, 2020.

There they write that “Due to the significance of asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic transmission, this guidance further reinforces the need to test asymptomatic persons, including close contacts of a person with documented SARS-CoV-2 infection.”

Yet according to primary care physicians, the testing of asymptomatic children for a virus is medically wrong. “Many children will test positive on Viral Panel Testing for a wide range of viruses long after recovering and despite not being contagious at all. We are traumatizing kids who have suffered enough covid trauma for no medical benefit whatsoever.”

According to the growing number of studies available, it appears that asymptomatic children are not considerable vectors for the disease, making the testing of these children of little to no medical benefit.

And once these children have come back with a positive COID-19 test, they are stuck.

According to the CDC, a COVID negative test can not tell you that a person is no longer contagious if testing during the infectious period. This leaves the children languishing for a full quarantine period, regardless of the fact that the original test may have been false.

Even after they have completed their quarantine, they are still not free, as state requirements demand a negative COVID test, which for post-COVID infections may take months to arrive.

“Just like a negative can be false during a quarantine period, so too is a positive after a quarantine period.”

In one physician’s belief “It is likely illegal and unethical to bar and quarantine an asymptomatic child from school with such a faulty test regimen.”

Many believe that this entire testing saga has left the realm of medicine and become a purely monetary issue.

Million, if not billions of healthcare dollars have been funneled into the testing of children, which according to some in the medical community is wasting precious health care equipment and resources that the physicians say are desperately needed to care for the elderly and high risk.

“This has turned into a massive government money grab by unscrupulous health care business people, some times even reportedly cajoling and kick backing some of the schools to do this. All while wasting large amounts of taxpayers money.”

Instead of giving Primary Care Providers more time to take care of patients exposed to covid and other serious illnesses, the physicians say that the mass testing of children are keeping them very busy helping parents dispute their children’s false positive status.

Instead, many physicians advise that each family speak with their primary care providers on if such testing of their asymptomatic children is warranted.

Monsey.info is not a medical platform and advises each person to speak with their primary care providers to receive proper medical guidance.