The Jew Project: Mendel Geisinsky, The Smiling Soldiers Project

The Jew Project, created by photographer Yisroel Teitelbaum aims to unify the Jewish people through documenting the lives of individuals. To read more on The Jew Project Click Here

Mendel is a Hasidic photographer from New York. While studying in Israel in 2021, Israel and the IDF were enduring an antisemitic smear campaign in the news and Social Media. The IDF was portrayed as an army of heartless and evil subhumans.

Mendel was frustrated as he had countless encounters with IDF soldiers of every race, ethnicity, and subsect of humanity, and it was always one of kindness, joy, and happiness.

Mendel wanted to show the world the side of the IDF that anyone who actually goes to Israel would see, and the Smiling Soldiers Project was born.

Mendel has gained nationwide recognition across every branch, base, and level of military command for his positive portrayal of the IDF and is welcomed and invited into every area of military presence, as well as many Israeli TV Shows.

Mendel has thus far photographed between 15,000 and 20,000 Israeli Soldiers across every unit and command level, and is showing no sign of slowing down:)

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