Three Heros Recognized For Bravery In Monsey Rescue
At the Ramapo Town Board meeting Wednesday, Supervisor Michael Specht and the Town Board proudly recognized and honored the bravery and quick thinking of three individuals who saved a child who fell through the ice earlier this week.
“The Town Board commends these heroes for their heroic actions and wishes to express its heartfelt gratitude for their selflessness and bravery,” the Town wrote. “This act of kindness serves as a reminder of the tremendous impact one person can have on the lives of others.”
These individuals were Mark Schuster, Usher Weider, and Shlomie Spira, who received a certificate of appreciation for their selfless act and unwavering commitment to their community.
“The Town Board is proud to have citizens like these who show our community’s true spirit,” the Town wrote. “We appreciate the amazing organizations of volunteers that we have throughout the town and hope these individuals can help serve as examples of the spirit of volunteerism and community that we have each day here in the Town of Ramapo.