Together, We Are The Backbone of Rockland

For thirty-six years, the Jewish community of Rockland County has learned to call on the various divisions of RCN in times of need. Our clients come from all corners of Rockland’s Jewish community, spanning a broad range of socioeconomic backgrounds. 

Sometimes a crisis breaks out, requiring immediate intervention on behalf of an otherwise-stable family. Sometimes life’s burdens accumulate, trapping individuals and families in unlivable situations. 

Anyone can reach out for assistance–we’re here to offer support and stability for any community member in need. 

Our team synchronizes resources across RCN’s nine divisions to craft sensitive, actionable solutions for our clients and their families. Whether we’re arranging utility payments or job placements, delivering erev Shabbos food packages or Yom Tov stipends, raising funds for Simchas or tuition, RCN leaves no stone unturned, no call unanswered, no need ignored. 

  • Food insecurity
  • Adult education and vocational training
  • Job placement
  • Clothing distribution 
  • Cost of camp
  • Mental health bills  
  • Medical bills
  • Simchas fund
  • Yom Tov stipends
  • Tuition grants
  • Utility bills
  • Homelessness 
  • Housing insecurity and rent grants

We have become the central resource for Yidden in Rockland facing a broad range of difficulties. Our divisions are prepared to provide immediate assistance regardless of the circumstances.

Most people don’t realize that nearly 1 in 11 Jewish families in Rockland County also need RCN’s support to get through their month, or their simcha, or any of the typical challenges we all face.

When we provide core stability, we help each individual lift himself from his circumstances and successfully pursue a life beyond the hardships. Dynamic, multifaceted support is the kind of life-altering assistance that paves the way to living life unassisted. 

When a Yid stands up to help a fellow member of his community, his tzedakah is an essential part of the support system. We are partners in building our community’s resilienceto everyone’s benefit. Together, we’re leveraging the power of the most potent human force: collective chesed.

Our network forms a core of crisis support in the Greater Monsey area. 

We lift our neighbors so they can overcome life’s challenges.

Together, we are the Backbone of Rockland.

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