Traveling to Israel or Abroad? Ensure Proper Overseas Insurance
The Pesach travel season has begun. Thousands of travelers from around the world will make their way to Israel to spend the upcoming holiday in the Holy Land. At the same time, many residents of Israel will be traveling to destinations abroad. These will include many students and their families traveling to their home countries for the holiday. Chaim V’Chessed underscores the critical importance of obtaining suitable travelers insurance. This insurance provides essential coverage for any medical emergencies that may arise during your journey.
Traveling from Israel
Residents leaving Israel must ensure that they are covered by a comprehensive medical insurance plan. Standard kupat cholim coverage does not extend outside Israel’s borders. If you are traveling to a country where you once held insurance, confirm before your trip whether the plan is still current. Standard plans often do not cover pregnancy-related issues, but there are traveler’s insurance plans available that do.
Note that travelers insurance must be purchased before your trip commences. See here to learn more about travelers insurance options for residents of Israel.
Travelers to Israel
Visitors to Israel often believe that their insurance from their home country will cover them while in Israel. “This is often not the case, “ Paysach Freedman, CEO of Chaim V’Chessed states emphatically. “Each Yom Tov we are contacted by visitors to Israel who are experiencing a medical crisis. Many of these visitors only discover in the emergency room that their foreign insurance does not cover them abroad.” Even if your insurance does cover you while in Israel, it is often complicated to obtain reimbursement, says Freedman. To mitigate risks, Chaim V’Chessed advises all visitors to Israel to purchase dedicated traveler’s insurance, supplementing any existing coverage from their home country.
Due to the security situation in Israel, many insurers are not issuing policies for travelers to Israel. However, various plans are still available, and it is vital that every traveler purchases appropriate coverage prior to visiting Israel. Be sure to contact a competent insurance agent before your trip to Israel.