Truck Cut In Half By Train In Haverstraw, No Injuries Reported


It’s a truckers worst nightmare, and it came true Thursday in Haverstraw.

“Today a truck delivery turned into one driver’s worst nightmare when their tractor trailer got stuck waiting at a light in Haverstraw on the train tracks, directly in the path of an oncoming train,” Rockland Executive Ed Day wrote. “Luckily that driver was able to get out before the train struck the trailer and no one was hurt.”

According to the police, the driver had gotten stuck straddling the crossing when the heavily laden truck scrapped on got stuck on the road. Moments later, while the truck was still stuck, a police officer arrived and notified the truck driver that a train was coming.

The driver was just able to exit the vehicle before the train arrived, slicing through the truck and leaving its mangled remains behind.

“Drivers need to heed extra caution when traveling over train tracks and should never, ever, proceed to wait for a traffic light on train tracks,” Day noted. “Always maintain a safe distance from the crossing gates and only cross train tracks if you’re able to safely get to the other side.”

“As a former police commander, I understand and appreciate exactly how much hard work is going into securing a scene of this magnitude and thank our emergency responders for their quick response and assistance to this accident,” Day said.

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