Two Years Later, The Memory Of The Forshay Stabbing is Still Raw
by Monsey.info
On the seventh night of Chanukah two years ago, a Chanukah celebration was taking place at the home of Rabbi Chaim Rottenberg. It might have been two years ago, but for many, it feels just like yesterday.
As the yidden inside and outside the home were celebrating, a man approached the house and began attacking people with a Machete.
Squacking Hatzalah radios and the emergency vehicles rushing to the scene would remain imprinted on the minds of those who arrived to find five victims, one of which later died of his wounds.
“Two years ago, residents of Monsey gathered to celebrate Hanukkah. But on a night to celebrate hope, five people were attacked and Rabbi Neumann lost his life,” New York Governor Kathy Hochul posted on her Twitter account on the two year anniversary. “We all have a right to be free from fear. We continue to stand against antisemitism and hate in all its forms.”
Rabbi Josef Neumann Z”L, then aged 72, became a rallying point for the Rockland County Jewish community and Jewish communities around the world as he battled his injuries. Tehillim was said over and over, but he ultimately returned his soul to his creator.
May the Neshama of Yehosef ben Perel have an aliyah.