U.S. Suspends Funding of UNRWA, Agudath Israel Releases Statement

Agudath Israel of America hails the United States’ bold decision to suspend funding to UNRWA over allegations that employees were involved in the brutal massacre of October 7.

These charges must be fully investigated and a full legal and criminal accounting must be made, in regard to both the employees and the agency itself.

UNRWA’s anti-Israel bias has long been evident. The agency’s unlawfully exceeding its mandate has also been a well-founded concern. These realities have already undermined UNRWA’s credibility in the Israel-Palestinian crisis. But the idea of agency employees actually partnering with Hamas and being complicit in the bloodthirsty torture, murder and kidnapping of innocents, staggers the imagination.

If the charges turn out to be accurate, the world must finally recognize unequivocally that UNRWA has been a dangerous and destabilizing force in the region, and can play no productive part in its future.

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