Wesley Hills Mayor Warns Of Uptick In Crime
by Monsey.info
An uptick in vehicle related crime has prompted Wesley Hills Mayor Marshall Katz to warn residents not to become complacent.
“The Ramapo Police informed me that recently there have been several cases of items being stolen from cars or the cars themselves being stolen,” Katz wrote in a message to Wesley Hills residents. “In all of this week’s incidents, the car owner had left his/her key fob inside the car and/or had left the car unlocked.”
With Wesley Hills being a generally a low-crime area, it is easy to be lulled into a sense of false security according to Katz. C
Crime can happen anywhere, Katz wrote. “Especially crimes of opportunity where the crime can be committed without much effort on the part of the criminal.”
This is not the first time this type of crime has happened in the Wesley Hills area, and will likely not be the last.
“Please safeguard your possessions, by keeping your cars locked when they are outside of your homes and not leaving valuables in your cars.”