Wesley Hills Publishes Crime Alert for Mailbox Thefts
The Ramapo Police Department Investigations Division is actively investigating larcenies from several mailboxes which occurred within the Village of Wesley Hills and the Village of Pomona. Between the dates of 12/28/23 and 01/02/24 a white Audi Sedan with Florida license plates was observed unlawfully removing mail from residents’ mailboxes. Any residents who may have any information or believe they were victimized are encouraged to report the incident to Ramapo Police Department.
Here are some tips on how to protect yourself from this type of crime:
-Instead of mailing items from your own mailbox, deposit mail in collection boxes as close to the indicated pickup time as possible — or bring it inside the post office for mailing.
-If you choose to leave outgoing mail in your mailbox, don’t put up the flag.
-Try not to leave incoming or outgoing mail sitting in your mailbox for an extended time, particularly overnight.
-Keep an eye on your bank accounts for potential fraud, and report suspicious activity as soon as possible to both the bank and the police.
-When making out a check, write out the amount — “One hundred and twenty dollars and ten cents,” for example — so the words fill out the line. This makes it more difficult for someone to alter it without washing off the ink. Also make sure the numeric amount fills the box on the far-right side of the check.