Yeshiva of Spring Valley To Remain Open…For Now


In a letter addressed to parents, the Yeshiva of Spring Valley announced its plans to remain fully operational for now.

The Yeshiva promised an update on plans no later than 6:00pm Monday evening.

Read text of letter below:

Dear Parents,

Over the last few days the Yeshiva has been in constant contact with the Yeshiva’s Daas Torah, medical professionals and public health officials regarding COVID-19. Although this is an evolving situation, and we recognize that a closure of the Yeshiva may be inevitable in the near future, at present, the Yeshiva will remain fully operational for tomorrow, Monday, March 16th. We will send the parent body another update by no later than 6:00 pm tomorrow.

The Yeshiva’s Hanhalah and Vaad HaChinuch were unanimous in their view that, although Yeshivos in other communities have closed, the situation in Monsey has not reached a point where closure is necessary particularly when weighed against the tremendous value of the Limud HaTorah of hundreds of Tinokes Shel Bais Rabban. This decision was reached after significant deliberation and consultation with medical professionals.

For the purposes of tomorrow’s sessions the Yeshiva will be implementing the following additional protocols. Water fountains throughout both buildings remain off. Children should bring drinks from home. Bottled water is available at the offices for children who forget. To the extent possible, lunch will be served in the classrooms or in more shifts of smaller groups to ensure children are not eating across from each other. The Yeshiva’s cleaning staff will be doubling their cleaning and sanitizing protocols. Students will be dispersed throughout the classrooms, to the extent possible. Our Rabbeim and teachers will be speaking with the children regarding COVID-19 the importance, al pi halacha and hashkofa, of taking the hygiene and precautions seriously. This is a time of crisis in our community but it is also a time of opportunity. The opportunity to teach our children regarding the primacy of Torah and the shemira that Torah – in particular the hevel pihem shel Tinokos shel Bais Raban – affords Klal Yisrael and the opportunity to teach our children that our lives are dictated by Daas Torah not the latest Whatsapp or Internet posting.

We expect this to be a quickly developing situation and once again urge all parents to be vigilant and make sure if your child is feeling even slightly not well, please do not send them to school. Additionally, if you have any reason to believe that your family was exposed to the virus, if a family member has traveled overseas, or may have been in contact with persons from affected areas, please consult with your healthcare provider and inform the Yeshiva before coming to school.

May the zechus Hatorah provide protection for all of Klal Yisrael.
Rabbi Yehuda Frankel Rabbi Eliezer Stern
Dean CEO
(845) 356-1400 ext. 118

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