Today’s The Day! Don’t Forget To Vote
by Monsey.info
Primary day has arrived!
Today, August 23rd, is the Primary Election that will decide which candidates will be running in the upcoming general election this year.
A letter signed by Frum elected officials of six Rockland County Villages has been released endorsing candidates and urging the Jewish community to vote.
The group urged all Democrat registered voters to go out and vote for Sean Patrick Maloney, whom they attest has been championing for the Hudson Valley in the US Congress for the last decade on these issues.
The group also endorsed incumbent Republican Mike Lawler, saying that he “has been a friend and a listening ear to our Villages, and a voice for the individual needs of residents.”
The letter was signed by Mayors, Deputy Mayors, and trustees of six Rockland villages including New Heampstead, Wesley Hills and Pomona.
To find your voting site: Click Here