Har Shalom Responds To Chestnut Ridge, If They Are Notified Of An Impending Death Six Months In Advance, They Will Let Them Know
by Monsey.info
Following the funeral of the Rachmestrivker Rebbe, Chestnut Ridge penned a letter to Har Shalom Cemetery demanding that the cemetery notify the Village six months in advance of any funeral which may impact them. Har Shalom responded by graciously acquiescing, and pointing out that street closures are dictated by law enforcement.
“As you so rightfully note, the Grand Rabbi was mourned by thousands due to his great influence throughout the Jewish community,” Har Shalom wrote. “His funeral was a once-in-a-hundred-year event. Har Shalom adhered to the traffic management plan and timely advised the Town of Ramapo Police Department, the Chaverim of Rockland County Emergency Service, and the Village of Airmont of the potential impact of the number of anticipated mourners that would attend his funeral.”
“Har Shalom did not close any streets in Chestnut Ridge or anywhere else. Street closures were dictated by the Town of Ramapo Police Department, the New York State Police, and the Rockland County Sheriff’s Department. Har Shalom did not have any control over street closures, the decision as to when any such road closures would be lifted, or any other actions that were directed by law enforcement to protect the health and safety of residents. Such decisions were entirely at the discretion of the law enforcement agencies. We assumed that local law enforcement would have notified the affected municipality of any road closures in their jurisdiction. Har Shalom has the utmost faith in the local government and local police and leaves it to them to make the decisions that are in the best interests of the residents.”
“Har Shalom feels very sorry to all the residents of Airmont, Chestnut Ridge, and elsewhere that were impacted by the funeral for Grand Rabbi Twersky and appreciates the sacrifices that were made by residents so that many could mourn his passing. The events surrounding his passing are a rare occurrence. Har Shalom will cooperate with the Village of Chestnut Ridge and will add notification to the Mayor of the Village to its traffic management plan and provide timely notice to the Village of any funerals where potential impacts may arise due to the number of anticipated mourners.”
“With regard to your request of at least six months advance notice of an anticipated funeral, if Har Shalom is notified of an impending death that may result in such anticipated funeral six months in advance of the occurrence, Village of Chestnut Ridge officials will be notified. However, as discussed, it cannot advise as to any anticipated road closures as it has no authority or control over which roads law enforcement will decide to shut down.”