With Heavy Snow Due Monday Night, O&R Preps to Repair Possible Damage

Orange and Rockland Utilities is preparing to mobilize its emergency response workforce to repair potential damage and restore possible power outages that could result from a snowstorm Monday evening into Tuesday, that is predicted to blanket the region with 2 to 8 inches of heavy, wet snow.

O&R company and contractor overhead line crews and tree removal experts, customer service operators and the other O&R emergency response personnel will be activated and deployed Monday evening.

O&R Warns

For safety’s sake, O&R warns the public not to touch or approach any downed wire. Assume the wire is energized and dangerous. Call O&R immediately toll-free 1-877-434-4100. Depending on the situation, you may also consider calling your local police to divert traffic from the downed wire’s location until an O&R crew arrives.

How to Report an Outage

If you experience a power outage, don’t assume that O&R automatically knows about it. You can report it and check to see when your lights will be back on through:

For the latest information about power outages, please view O&R’s Outage Map.

For a brief video that provides a step-by-step guide to the Outage Map’s basic operation:

Restoring Service

Once the weather clears enough to safely assess damage and begin electric service restoration, O&R crews will give priority to clearing downed wires blocking roads and making repairs to critical and emergency facilities (police and fire stations, and hospitals, for example) and to those locations where the repair will provide power to the largest number of customers as quickly as possible. Then, crews will restore smaller outages and individual customers’ outages.

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