Please Say Tehillim For Rivka bas Sima Henya
Please say a kapital Tehillim for Rivka bas Sima Henya, a baby in critical condition with a sudden illness. Please say kapitals aleph and chof.
Please say a kapital Tehillim for Rivka bas Sima Henya, a baby in critical condition with a sudden illness. Please say kapitals aleph and chof.
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As the year 5781 comes to a close, the Monsey.info Team would like to extend a massive thank to its readers, advertisers, and contributors for an incredible year.
With great sadness we report the passing of HaRav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg OBM, one of the generations great Torah leaders who gave Smicha to many Rabbi’s and Dayanim. He passed away today at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem.
With great sorrow we report the passing of Rabbi Adin Even Yisroel Shteinzaltz OBM, a renowned Talmud Chacham and commentator on the Torah. He passed away on Friday, the 17th of Av, 5780.
Please say tehillim for Dr. Zev ben Leah Zelenco, who is having a major surgery today. Please say Kapital 47, 20.
With great sadness we report the passing of Mrs. Chaya Sarah Feiga Alperovitch OBM, a long time resident of Kfar Chabad, and sister of the Rov of Lubavitch in Monsey, Rav Boruch Dov Lesches.
With great sadness we report the passing of Moishe Just OBM, a Monsey bochur who was tragically killed while on a road trip in Arizona.
With great sadness we report the passing of Harav Moshe Green OBM, the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva d’Monsey.
With great sadness we report the passing of R’ Shalom Gurewicz OBM, a Lubavitcher from Australia who recently moved to Pomona, NY. He passed away over shabbos, the 10th of Nissan, 5780.
With great sadness we report the passing of Eliezer (Lazer) Halbrecht OBM, a Vitznitz Chasid from Monsey who passed away on Thursday, the 8th of Nissan, 5780.
With great sadness we report the passing of Reb Yechiel Lebowitz OBM, a Viznitz Chossid in the Monsey community. He passed away on Monday, the 5th of Nissan, 5780.
With great sadness we report the passing of Rabbi Yehosef Neumann OBM, who was stabbed in Chanukah’s attack at the home of Rabbi Rottenberg.
With great sadness we report the passing of
With great sadness we report the passing of Chananya Yomtov Lipa Friedrich, a father and member of the Monsey Jewish community. He passed away on Thursday, the the 1st of Nissan, 5780.
With great sadness we report the passing of Rabbi Yaakov Dov Rosenbaum OBM, the former Menahel of and founder of Bais Rochel Girls School in Monsey.
With great sadness we report the passing of R’ Duvid Gluck OBM, a dedictaed and loved Hatzolah volunteer who dedicated his life to helping others. He passed away on Shabbos morning, the 11th of Cheshvan 5780.
With great sadness we inform you of the passing of HaRav Yakov Halevi Lipschutz OBM, a long time Rov in Monsey at Khal Bais Yosef.
Please say tehillim for Please say Tehillim for Chaim Adam Gavriel Ben Chava Shayna, a Johannesburg South Africa Hatzalah member who was involved in a serious crash Friday morning. He has undergone extensive surgery, and needs a refuah.
We present the Shalom Zochor list for the week of Shabbos Parshas Eikev:
With great sadness we report the passing of Mrs. Adelaide Friedman obm, the mother of U.S. Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman. She was 91 years old.
The body of Rabbi Reuven Bauman, who jumped into the ocean to save a struggling boy has reportedly been found. Levaya information to be announced.
Musicologist and publisher Velvel Pasternak, who published more than 150 volumes of Jewish music, has died. Pasternak, who pioneer in recording some of the first records of Nigunim for Lubavitch, the Nichoach series, died on Tuesday in New York City at the age of 86.